TradePost Awards 2024
The UPU organizes the annual TradePost Award to gather best practices for trade inclusion and the growth of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), acknowledge efforts to implement sustainable trade inclusion initiatives, and reward the most impactful submissions.
The objective of the TradePost Award is to recognize the trade inclusion initiatives – particularly those targeting micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) – that use the postal network and have been launched by member countries, their designated operators (DOs) and their Consultative Committee (CC) members.
Additionally, the TradePost award:
- raises awareness of the role of the UPU and the postal sector in including MSMEs and underrepresented communities;
- demonstrates how the Post can enhance opportunities for MSMEs and underrepresented communities to access domestic and global e-commerce markets;
- promotes a culture of excellence, creativity, commitment, quality and mastery;
- encourages positive cooperation and competition (“coopetition”) among postal sector stakeholders, which in turn fosters creativity, distinction and achievement;
- encourages Posts to improve their performance in developing e-commerce and trade inclusion;
- highlights best practices from within the postal sector;
- underscores the Post’s contribution to sustainable development, which includes promoting decent job creation and helping MSMEs to establish themselves and grow (8.3); increasing SME access to financial services (9.3); increasing access to ICTs (9.8); and increasing exports from developing countries (17.11).
There are four groups of initiatives for which submissions are encouraged:
- Public initiatives that use the Post for trade inclusion: Any governmental or DO initiative that promotes e-commerce and the trade inclusion of SMEs and underrepresented communities through the postal network.
- Private sector initiatives for trade inclusion: Any innovative private sector partnership for postal or financial solutions to promote e-commerce and the trade inclusion of MSMEs and underrepresented communities.
- UPU–Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation (GATF) Trade Facilitation Innovation Award: Any public or private initiative or measure that promotes innovative trade facilitation projects through the postal network.
- UPU–International Trade Centre (ITC) TradePost Award for gender inclusion through the Post: Any initiative that promotes the trade inclusion of craftswomen and women entrepreneurs through the postal network, or any improvement to an existing postal or non-postal product or service.
Opening of submissions
14 June 2024
Deadline for submissions
04 August 2024
Jury voting (during CA)
26 August 2024
Winners awarded @ CA S6
13 September 2024
How to apply
- The awards are open to all UPU member countries, their DOs and CC members, and those organizations that can submit one or more proposals of a project that has already been launched.
- Applicants should explain how they offer services or implement governmental initiatives to promote the trade inclusion of MSMEs and underrepresented communities through the postal network, and their efforts to promote gender equality and address development challenges.
- Applicants should submit their nominations by clicking ”submit a nomination” below.
- Proposals may be submitted online only. Additional supporting documents and other materials (brochures, videos, etc.) can be uploaded when completing the online form.
Submit a nomination for the private TradePost Award 2024
Submit a nomination for the public TradePost Award 2024