The First Informal Drafting Group Meeting on the Declaration of the Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Digital Inclusion and Transformation

March 7
9:00 am
 – 7:00 pm

The Asia-Pacific region has witnessed a profound transformation in socio-economic activities, catalyzed by the rapid adoption of digital technologies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. A paradigm shift towards a digital society, encompassing online work, education, and social interactions, has underscored the paramount importance of digital inclusion and transformation.

In alignment with the commitment to digital cooperation and inclusion, member States, during the 79th session of the ESCAP Commission in May 2023, embraced resolution 79/10. This resolution, titled “Promoting Digital Cooperation and Inclusion through the Action Plan for Implementing the APIS Initiative, 2022–2026,” lays the groundwork for fostering digital initiatives and inclusiveness. Member States pledged to convene a Ministerial Conference on Digital Inclusion and Transformation, a forum aimed at expediting the realization of Sustainable Development Goals and regional cooperative initiatives, including the Asia-Pacific Information Superhighway initiative.

Appreciating the kind offer by the Government of Kazakhstan to host the forthcoming Ministerial Conference, the ESCAP secretariat is spearheading the formation of an Informal Drafting Group comprising of nominated representatives of member States. The Group will deliberate and finalize a ministerial declaration for the Ministerial Conference scheduled to take place in Astana, Kazakhstan, during September or October 2024.

The first / inaugural meeting of the Informal Drafting Group is slated for 7 March 2024, in Astana, Kazakhstan.


To craft a ministerial declaration, which is posed for adoption by Ministers during the Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Digital Inclusion and Transformation 2024.

Contact information

For further information, kindly reach out to Mr. Tae Hyung KIM, Chief, ICT and Development Section, ICT and Disaster Risk Reduction Division, ESCAP, via e-mail: [email protected].