The Digital World: Cybersecurity 2021

9:25 am
 – 2:40 pm
 (UK Time)

What’s this online event about?

This event will bring together thought leaders from across different sectors to discuss and share perspectives on the current and future state of cybersecurity. Particular focus will be on

  • How standards can support best practice and help mitigate threats, in particular early insights into the forthcoming ISO/IEC 27002 revision
  • Issues around Cybersecurity in global supply chains
  • The common and different challenges faced across sectors, particularly by SMEs
  • The key emerging topics in cybersecurity: digital identity, privacy and within the rapidly changing energy sector, and how these will change cybersecurity and build new challenges/solutions for organizations
  • The current threat landscape

Who should attend the event?

  • Cybersecurity professionals
  • Auditors/certification bodies
  • Information security officers/consultants
  • Data protection and security specialists
  • CEOs and CISOs
  • Government
  • Cyber security risk analysts/advisors
  • Risk managers in compliance and information security

What will participants gain?

  • An expert overview on the current state of cybersecurity
  • Insights into the thinking behind the revisions to ISO/IEC 27002  and updates on other cybersecurity standards in development to understand how these can help you
  • A better understanding of the challenges faced by different sectors, in particular SMEs
  • Insights into how new emerging topics such as: digital identity, privacy and within the rapidly changing energy sector
  • An opportunity to put your questions to an expert panel of speaker
  • A post-event recording and copy of the presentations

Please click here to view the agenda.

To learn more about the current cybersecurity landscape and how your organization can better defend itself, please book your place now.