Small goes digital– how digitalization can bring about productive growth for micro and small enterprises
2:00 pm
– 3:15 pm
Joint launch of the new IsLO / IOE / KAS report
Welcome remarks
Vic Van Vuuren, Director Enterprises Department, ILO
Opening remarks
- Martha Newton, Deputy Director-General for Policy, ILO
- Roberto Suárez Santos, Secretary-General, IOE
- Andrea Ostheimer, Executive Director New York Office, KAS
Panel discussion
Are we there yet? Digitalization and small businesses
Moderator: Dragan Radic, Head of SME Unit, ILO
- Nicolas Friederici, Senior Researcher at HIIG | Digital Platforms & Entrepreneurship (Berlin, Germany)
- Torbjörn Fredriksson, Chief at ICT Policy Section UNCTAD
- Sonia Bashir Kabir, Entrepreneur and technology investor
- El Sayed Torky, Senior Adviser and Head of Labour Affairs Unit, Federation of Egyptian Industries (FEI)
- Adriana Bonomo, Professor, Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Catholic University of Uruguay
Closing remarks
Matthias Thorns, Deputy Secretary-General, IOE