Services Aspects of Electronic Commerce

November 12
 – November 15

Applications open for WTO course on services aspects of e-commerce

Government officials from WTO members and observers eligible to benefit from technical assistance activities are invited to submit applications to take part in the 2024 Thematic Course on Services Aspects of Electronic Commerce, which will be held from 12 to 15 November at the WTO. Officials can submit applications until 30 August.

The course will familiarize participants with the links between e-commerce, services trade and disciplines of the WTO’s General Agreement on Trade in Services, with a particular focus on specific services sectors. The moratorium on e-commerce, as well as other e-commerce discussions at the WTO, will feature in the course programme. The objective of the course is to increase participants’ autonomy when they develop services trade policies and seek to mainstream e-commerce into their national trade policy plans.

Experts from the WTO Secretariat will contribute to the programme. The course will be held in English.

Who should apply?

The workshop is aimed at government officials from WTO members and observers eligible to benefit from WTO training activities, who have direct policy responsibility for, or a demonstrated background in and an advanced understanding of, trade in services and e-commerce issues.

Candidates should have completed a previous WTO training activity (E-Learning or face-to-face course) and be proficient in English.

How to apply?

Eligible WTO members and observers are invited to nominate government officials by 30 August 2024.