National consultations for the Trinidad and Tobago E-commerce Strategy

The E-Commerce and Digital Economy Branch of UN Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the Ministry of Trade and Industry of Trinidad and Tobago are organizing national multistakeholder consultations on 8 November. The focus of the consultations will to discuss the draft E-commerce Strategy of Trinidad and Tobago.
The consultations will bring together representatives of the public and private sectors as well as academia, civil society and development partners to consider the proposed draft strategy and ensure an inclusive approach for its development and implementation. The E-commerce Strategy builds on findings and recommendations of the eTrade Readiness Assessment for Trinidad and Tobago.
Both the assessment and the draft strategy were undertaken in close collaboration with development and eTrade for all partners, as well as the UN Resident Coordinator Office. Funding is provided by the Government of Trinidad and Tobago and the E-commerce and Digital Economy Programme Core Donors (Australia, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden and the Kingdom of the Netherlands).
Ministry of Trade and Industry of Trinidad and Tobago
Sponsor / funding:
Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (GoRTT)
The E-Commerce and Digital Economy Branch of UN Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the Ministry of Trade and Industry of Trinidad and Tobago are organizing national multistakeholder consultations on 8 November. The focus of the consultations will to discuss the draft E-commerce Strategy of Trinidad and Tobago.
The consultations will bring together representatives of the public and private sectors as well as academia, civil society and development partners to consider the proposed draft strategy and ensure an inclusive approach for its development and implementation. The E-commerce Strategy builds on findings and recommendations of the eTrade Readiness Assessment for Trinidad and Tobago.
Both the assessment and the draft strategy were undertaken in close collaboration with development and eTrade for all partners, as well as the UN Resident Coordinator Office. Funding is provided by the Government of Trinidad and Tobago and the E-commerce and Digital Economy Programme Core Donors (Australia, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden and the Kingdom of the Netherlands).
Ministry of Trade and Industry of Trinidad and Tobago
Sponsor / funding:
Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (GoRTT)