Multi-year Expert Meeting on Trade, Services and Development, 9th session
The evolving landscape of digital trade in services
This session of the Multi-year Expert Meeting on Trade, Services and Development will focus on the impact of digitalization on trade in services. It will provide an opportunity for experts to exchange views on how digitalization could be a game changer in the participation of developing countries in trade in services and to share experiences in linking digital services trade to economic diversification.
An informal working group will be formed to meet on the margins of sessions of the multi-year expert meeting; the objective is for services experts and representatives of national statistical bureaus, along with other relevant stakeholders, to exchange views and identify key challenges with regard to the collection and use of data.
This session is open to all member States of UNCTAD. Each State is encouraged to nominate up to five experts to participate remotely.
Other organizations, including specialized agencies, intergovernmental bodies and non-governmental organizations in the general and special categories, as well as academia, research institutions and the private sector, may participate as observers.
Online registration is mandatory for all those wishing to attend the meeting and is required in order to be included in the list of participants.
Written contributions
Experts are encouraged to prepare and submit brief replies to the related survey by 31 May 2022. | Download PDF | Online |
Replies will be made available at the meeting in the form and language in which they are received.
The session will be held with physical participation, in-room XVII of the Palais des Nations, and remote participation, through a simultaneous interpretation platform in the six official languages of the United Nations.
A link to the formal virtual meeting will be sent to registered participants, at the email address used for registration, one day in advance of the start of the session.