Mongolia’s Digital Trade Week

24 - 28 March 2025

Co-organized by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia (MFA), ESCAP and EU-ITDM (International Trade Development in Mongolia Project)

Draft as of 15.01.2025

Mongolia’s Digital Trade Week:

(24-28 March 2025 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia)

Co-organized by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia (MFA), ESCAP and EU-ITDM

(International Trade Development in Mongolia Project)


Monday 24 2025


(Venue: MFA)

MFA, UN-ESCAP and national and international consultants meeting preparing

Tuesday 25 March 2025


(Venue: MFA’s Consensus Hall)

8.30-9.00 Registration

9.00 – 9.15 Opening

L. Munkhtushig, State Secretary of MFA Mongolia

9.15-12.00 Session 1 Presentation and consultation on Mongolia’s Digital Trade Integration


Moderator: Dr. Enkhbold Vorshilov

Objective: To gather multistakeholder feedback, refine the roadmap based on their inputs, and

secure broad endorsement for its adoption.

Expected outcomes:

• Validate the roadmap’s goals, priorities, and strategies with diverse stakeholders.

• Address concerns or gaps to ensure broad-based endorsement of the plan.

• Build consensus among policymakers, businesses, and civil society on the roadmap’s

implementation steps.

Targeted Participants:

o Policy groups: Officials, Policy advisors, policy researchers

o Business groups:

▪ Representatives of Digital tech sectors: investors in digital tech sectors,

including digital platforms, e-commerce platforms, digital services provider

(tech startups, digital payments, etc.)

▪ Representatives of broader business sectors: investors in other businesses.

They represent businesses using digital services for their operational

excellence, such as for supplier-buyer matching, connecting with global

value chains, reaching new markets, operating smart logistics, etc.

▪ MSMEs, women-led businesses, other marginalized group business (if


o Civil groups: representing consumers, workers, women and marginalized groups.

They represent broader stakeholders such as beneficiaries of online services for

seeking jobs, education, and healthcare.

Session structure:

A. Presentations

• Time: 9:15 AM – 10:15 AM

• Key Discussion Points:

• Putting Perspectives on Digital Trade and Regional Integration (20 minutes)

Speaker: Dr. Witada Anukoonwattaka

• Presenting national roadmap (40 min)

Speaker: Prof. Batnasan Namsrai

(Photo session)

Break: 10:15 AM – 10:30 AM

B. Roundtable consultation: Facilitated discussions and brainstorming with multi-stakeholders

• Time: 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM


12.00-13.30 Lunch and networking (Hosted by MFA)


13.30-16.30 Session 2 National Working Group on Paperless Trade Facilitation

Moderator: Dr. Enkhbold Vorshilov

Objective: To prepare for Mongolia’s individual action plan for the Framework Agreement on

Facilitation of Cross-border Paperless Trade in Asia and the Pacific (CPTA); and to discuss the plan

and preliminary findings for the gap analysis and feasibility assessment for blockchain application

for facilitating trade and enhancing competitiveness

Expected outcomes:

• Discuss the individual action plan for the CPTA.

• Validate the plan for the gap analysis and feasibility assessment for blockchain for TF -

address any concerns or gaps to ensure implementation of the plan.

• Build consensus among public and private sector stakeholders involved in trade facilitation

activities for the individual action plan and the feasibility assessment for blockchain for TF

Targeted Participants:

Public and private sector stakeholders involved in trade facilitation including (not exhaustive):

o National regulatory authorities and agencies

o Customs authorities

o Central bank and trade finance institutions

o Chambers of commerce (exporters and importers)

o Port authorities

o Logistics-related stakeholders including transport companies, insurance

companies and brokers

Session structure:

13:30-14:00 Presentation of the draft individual action plan (CPTA) – National consultant (TBC)

14:00-15:15 Review the draft individual action plan (CPTA)

15:15-15:30 Coffee break

15:30-15:50 Presentation of the plan for the gap analysis and feasibility assessment for

blockchain for TF – International Consultant (TBC)

15:50-16:30 Review and validate the plan

************************************ END DAY1 ******************************************

Wednesday 26 March 2025


(Venue: UN House)

NOTE: Capacity building sessions will employ a participatory and interactive approach, combining

expert-led presentations with facilitated discussions and Q&A. In some sessions, participants will be

expected to complete selected ESCAP e-learning courses prior to attending the training

sessions. The prerequisites ensure a foundational understanding of concepts, enabling more in-

depth engagement and meaningful contributions during the sessions.

9.00-12.00 Session 3. Unleashing digital trade for sustainable development

Objective: To equip policymakers, advisors, and researchers with a comprehensive understanding

of digital trade and its potential to drive sustainable development and to provide them with the

opportunity to engage directly with experts through interactive discussions

Targeted Participants: Policymakers, policy advisors, policy researchers, and relevant


Prerequisite: Participants are encouraged to watch video lectures of the following ESCAP e-learning

courses prior to attending the training sessions:

ESCAP e-learning course on "Unleashing Digital Trade and Investment for Sustainable


Session structure:

A. Basic Understanding of How Digital Trade is Changing Global Trade Environments

• Time: 9.00 AM – 10.30 AM

• Facilitator: Dr. Witada Anukoonwattaka

• Moderator: Dr. Enkhbold Vorshilov

• Key Discussion Points:

o Definition and scope of digital trade.

o How digital trade fosters economic growth, reduces inequalities, and promotes


o Required conditions

o The interplay between digital trade and traditional trade policies.

o Digital trade in trade agreements

Break: 10.30 AM – 10.45 AM

B. Mongolia’s Digital Trade Policy Environment

• Time: 10.45 AM – 12:30 PM

• Facilitators: Ms. Natnicha Sutthivana and Prof. Batnasan Namsrai (TBC)

• Moderator: Dr. Enkhbold Vorshilov

• Key Discussion Points:

o Overview of the Regional Digital Trade Integration Index (RDTII) framework and data

o Current state of Mongolia’s digital trade policies, including regulatory and

institutional frameworks

9:00-12:00 [PARALLEL] Individual meetings with public and private stakeholders for gap

analysis and feasibility assessment for blockchain for TF

(Venue: Training center of the Customs General Administration /

visiting individual agencies and stakeholders)


12.30-13.30 Lunch hosted by MFA & ITDM


13.30-16.30 Session 4 Leveraging blockchain for cross-border paperless trade

Objective: To increase Mongolia’s preparedness to adopt and adapt blockchain for trade facilitation

by presenting and discussing international experiences and best practices and identifying the

roadmap toward facilitating the development and adoption of blockchain for trade facilitation

Expected outcomes:

• Increased knowledge and capacities of participants in adopting and adapting blockchain for

trade facilitation

Targeted Participants:

Public and private sector stakeholders involved in trade facilitation including (not exhaustive):

o National regulatory authorities and agencies

o Customs authorities

o Central bank and trade finance institutions

o Chambers of commerce (exporters and importers)

o Port authorities

o Logistics-related stakeholders including transport companies, insurance

companies and brokers

Session structure:

13:30-14:00 Introduction to the blockchain for trade facilitation – international consultant (TBC)

14:00-15:15 Presentation of best practices – selected speakers TBC (virtual presentations)

15:15-15:30 Coffee break

15:30-16:30 Facilitated discussion on developing roadmap toward facilitating the development

and adoption of blockchain for trade facilitation

************************************ END DAY2 ******************************************

Thursday 27 March 2025


(Venue: UN House)

9:00-12:00 (Hands-on) Session 5. Practices in digital trade policies: A comparative

perspective on Mongolia

This session provides participants with a comparative perspective on regional digital trade practices

using interactive, hands-on exploration of policy dashboard tools. This session will help participants

analyze Mongolia’s digital trade policies in relation to regional peers, identify policy gaps, and draw

implications for alignment with good practices

• Facilitator: Dr. Witada Anukoonwattaka

• Moderator: Dr. Enkhbold Vorshilov

Key Discussion Points:

o Key features of leading global and regional practices

o Assessment of Mongolia’s existing digital trade policies: Comparisons with selected

regional practices

Activities: Group exercises and discussions using RDTII dashboards

(Break between 10.30-10.45AM)


12.00-13.30 Lunch hosted by MFA & ITDM


13.30-16.30 (Hands-on) Session 6. International agreements and their implications to

Mongolia’s digital trade policies and negotiations: Focus on WTO E-commerce Agreement and


Prerequisite: Participants are encouraged to watch video lectures of the following ESCAP e-learning

courses prior to attending the training sessions:

o ESCAP e-learning course on “Online Course on Electronic Commerce and Digital

Provisions in Regional Trade Agreements”

o Legal TINA Demonstration video (TBC)

• Facilitator: Dr. Witada Anukoonwattaka and Ms. Natnicha Sutthivana (TBC)

• Moderator: Dr. Enkhbold Vorshilov

• Key Discussion Points:

o Key provisions under the WTO E-commerce Agreement (based on the WTO JSI E-

commerce text, July 2024)1 and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership


o Gaps in Mongolia’s policy and regulatory frameworks that need to be addressed for


o Opportunities for Mongolia to leverage these agreements to strengthen its digital


o Institutional and technical capacity required to negotiate and implement digital

trade commitments, and strengthen its digital economy

o Policy Recommendations

Activities: Group exercises and discussions using Legal TINA, and selected databases

(Break between 15.00-15.15 PM)

9:00- 16:30 [PARALLEL] Individual meetings with public and private stakeholders for gap

analysis and feasibility assessment for blockchain for TF

(Venue: Training center of the Customs General Administration /

visiting individual agencies and stakeholders)

************************************ END DAY3 ******************************************

Friday 28 March 2025


10 am -12.30 am

(Venue: MFA’s Consensus Hall)

- Brief session for MFA’s young diplomats on digital trade / or ESCAP APTIR 2024/25

- Wrap up and way forward meeting with DG Ulziisaikhan Ganbold, MFA and selected

members of the National Working Group on Paperless Trade Facilitation



Countries: Mongolia