ITA Symposium: 25 Years of the Information Technology Agreement


A high-level symposium is being organized by the ITA Committee on 16-17 September 2021 to celebrate 25 years of the Information Technology Agreement.

The symposium will provide an opportunity for ITA participants, leading industry representatives, government officials and parliamentarians to examine a range of important issues related to the ITA and share their perspectives on the future of the Agreement. At its opening session, Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director-General of the WTO, will deliver her opening remarks, and Ambassador Michael Punke, Vice President of Amazon, will deliver the keynote address.

Thematic discussions, led by over 20 renowned experts, will focus on the following:

  • Session 1: Trade liberalization under the ITA and the evolution of global trade in ICT products
  • Session 2: Combatting the COVID-19 pandemic: the role of ITA products, ICT and digital solutions
  • Session 3: Latest advances in technologies and the ICT Sector
  • Session 4: The role of ICT as an economic development tool
  • Session 5: The future of the ITA

The symposium will be open to WTO Members and Observers, the private sector, academia, international organizations, and journalists. It will take place in hybrid format in Room W. The majority of participants will attend the event via Zoom, while Geneva‑based delegates will also be able to register to participate in the symposium in person, should they prefer to do so.