International Trade Centre: Applying a Gender-Lens to the Work and Agreements of the WTO
With financial support from the EU Directorate-General for Trade (DG Trade), the International Trade Centre in April 2023 launched A Gender Analytical Framework for the Agreements and Work of the World Trade Organization, a step-by-step guide for integrating gender equality concerns in agreements and work of the World Trade Organization (WTO).
The framework paper is also accompanied by four analytical papers, which apply the framework the topics of e-commerce, investment facilitation, government procurement, and trade facilitation.
This seminar, which is co-organized by the International Trade Centre and the EU DG Trade, is organized with the following two objectives: (i) To present analyses and recommendations from the gender analytical framework, and (ii) to discuss the gender lens framework, with special attention to the four key topics of e-commerce, government procurement, investment facilitation and trade facilitation.