ICT policy planning for good governance (2025)
This course explains the linkages of ICT with the development of the Digital Economy and the need for appropriate policy and regulatory framework for developing the ICT Sector in any country.
The impact of broadband & digitization on a country’s economy will also be explained. Issues and challenges associated with ICT policymaking will also be discussed. The participants will get deeper insights regarding the technology trends in ICT and their implication on various aspects of the economy and smart society through case studies of successful implementation of technology stacks leading to digital transformation in different countries. Special emphasis on issues like data privacy, security and digital sovereignty in the context of international best practices. The participants will also be given a small project of developing an ICT Policy for a hypothetical country.
With the generous support of the Global Gateway Initiative of the European Union, participation is provided free of charge for selected applicants, including accommodation, meals, transportation from and to Indira Gandhi International Airport and other organized activities for a comfortable and immersive learning experience. Participants or their organizations will be responsible for covering their travel expenses to and from India.
Target population
This course is open to government officials and policymakers engaged in policy planning and digital transformation efforts globally. The number of participants in this course is limited to 30 persons.
Entry requirements
Members of the above-mentioned target population are invited to apply for the training if they meet the following criteria:
- Hold an undergraduate degree in a relevant field or have a minimum of three years of experience in digital transformation or policy planning fields if they do not hold a university degree.
- Possess a fluent level of English.
- Complete the application questionnaire and attach an up-to-date CV, a recommendation letter from their employer, or a motivation letter.
- Government officials and policymakers from developing countries, particularly women, are encouraged to apply.
- Selection will be conducted by the course organizers, who will consider the above entry requirements along with an analysis of the application questionnaire and the recommendation/motivation letter of each applicant.
Learning outcomes
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
- Describe the role of ICT and Digital economy as an enabler of digital economy of a country.
- Examine the impact of Broadband & Digitization on the economy of a country.
- Analyze the impact of the Regulatory & Policy Framework on the ICT sector.
- Explain the role of Digital economy in making Smart Societies.
- List the steps involved in ICT Policy making process and the challenges in the process
- Illustrate the various facets of Digital economy through examples of successful implementation of various ICT projects from across the globe.
The teaching methodology will include (i) Lectures by subject matter experts (ii) Quizzes at the end of every day (iii) Case studies of successful implementation of ICT projects leading to digital transformation of countries (iv) Group project work & presentations.
Evaluation and grading
The training assessment will include end-of-day quizzes and a case study submission. All quizzes will be uploaded and managed through the ITU Academy platform. A total score of 70% or higher is required to obtain the ITU certificate. Full training participation is required.