How universal digital ID & the birth of the e-stamp can revolutionize the postal sector

The Post has been around in some form since the year 550 BC, and has today evolved to become a globally integrated service with unparalleled reach essentially connecting every physical address on Earth. In today's digital world, the UPU is ideally positioned to become the custodian and registry for a universal digital ID (UDID), thus making every address both personal and digital. Geomain's mission is to democratize digital identity and is a .POST Group Associate member, as well as a member of the UPU Consultative Committee. Empowering the world with a Geomain UDID will revolutionize the postal sector globally by enabling services like e-stamps, real-time mail tracking, branded addresses and more. It shall also translate to significant revenue and efficiency gains for Posts worldwide. Day-1 (Thursday 6th July, 2023) will cover: • What is a Universal Digital ID (UDID)? • Uses and utility of a UDID • Why an Email ID is not a Digital ID • UDID is the missing link for a Digital Empowerment • Introducing the Geomain UDID • The Birth of the e-Stamp • How does the e-Stamp function? • Why the e-Stamp will revolutionize Post globally • e-Stamp’s Universal Framework for Regulatory Compliance • How efficiencies and cost savings make the e-Stamp future-proof • Quantifying the financial benefits of e-Stamp opportunity for Post Day-2 (Friday 7th July, 2023) will cover: • The e-Stamp Infrastructure Architecture • Delivery model: SAAS • Services available within the Geomain Module • White Label App Module for e-Stamp