Harnessing science, technology and innovation to support structural transformation and LDC graduation
The Istanbul Programme of ActionExternal link (IPoA) had set a target of at least half of the Least Developed Countries should qualify for graduation. Since LDC-IV, only three LDCs have graduated, (Equatorial Guinea, Samoa and Vanuatu), while seven other LDCs (Angola, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Nepal, Sao Tome and Principe, Solomon Islands) have met the criteria to graduate until 2026. LDCs face a significant number of challenges that concern their economic structure. Structural transformation is a central part of the economic development and enhancement of LDCs’ productive capacity and Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) policies play a crucial role in promoting inclusive development and the achievement of the SDGs.
STI play a crucial role in promoting inclusive development and the achievement of the SDGs. Advances in STI policies offer exponential opportunities in accelerating the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. Building back better to respond to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and future pandemics will require LDCs to structurally transform their economies, build productive capacities, and develop STI policies that promote investment in STI and bridge the digital divide among countries.
The side-event will address critical issues for LDCs to structurally transform and pursue graduation through science, technology and innovation. The ministerial round table will focus on STI policy formulation, the discussants will address specific implementation approaches to be followed by an interactive discussion.
This special session be organized as a High-level Roundtable where senior officials will present efforts to harness science, technology and innovation to build productive capacities and support inclusive and sustainable development. The objective of this High-Level Roundtable is to bring together global leaders from Bangladesh and Cambodia and the UN to highlight challenges, and identify concrete suggestions on how governments, the private sector and multilateral organisations can enable the LDCs to harness science, technology and innovation to achieve structural transformation and graduate.
- Ms. Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, Executive Secretary, ESCAP
- Ms. Isabelle Durant, Acting Secretary-General, UNCTAD
- H.E. Prof. Dr. Chhem Kieth Rethy, Minister Delegate attached to Prime Minister and Secretary of State of Ministery of Industry, Science, Technology and Innovation, Cambodia
- Ms. Tina Jabeen, Managing Director and CEO, Startup Bangladesh Limited
- Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal, President of TUBITAK
Moderator: Mr. Joshua Setipa, Managing Director, UN Technology Bank
- The High-Level Roundtable will provide an opportunity to gain political momentum from leaders on science, technology and innovation towards sustainable development and graduation of LDCs.
- This event will provide a platform to showcase best practices and identify the key priorities, principles and approaches for LDCs to structurally transform their economies, build productive capacities, and develop STI policies that promote investment in STI towards graduation.
- It will highlight the role that the private sector and the UN can have in building productive capacities and harnessing science, technology and innovation.