Going digital – Young entrepreneurs at Dubai Expo 2020

11:00 am
 – 12:00 pm

This session at Dubai Expo explores how digitalization can generate jobs for youth and women in the Arab region.


The International Trade Centre invites you to attend an event during Dubai Expo to explore job opportunities in the digital sphere for young people and women entrepreneurs in the MENA countries.

On 1 March, a panel discussion will look at using technology for innovative training tools to improve the skills and stimulate the creativity of educated youth as a driving force of change and progress.

The participants will discuss the role that new technologies, IT-applications and related innovations play for expanding economies and create new opportunities for young entrepreneurs. Moreover, the session will explore how to harness the power of the digital economy to achieve sustainable and inclusive growth.

Event details

Tuesday, 1 March, 11:00-12:00 (United Arab Emirates GMT+4)
UN Hub – Opportunity Pavilion
Register here to join online: https://bit.ly/3s7cw4


  • Mashal Waqar, Co-founder, The Tempest
  • Petar Stojanov, Partner – Innovation, National Talent and Future Strategy, Black
  • Amel Saidane, President of Start-ups association of Tunisia (virtually)
  • Ashraf Mahate, Chief Economist, Export Markets, Dubai I&E
  • Lilia Hachem Naas, Chief Office for MENA, ITC
  • Moderator: Sally Mousa, International Presenter


Digital technologies, blockchain, internet of things, as well as artificial intelligence have greatly affected the way we trade and work. Advanced information and communication technology (ICT) applications such as software, cloud computing or radio frequency identification have led to a boom in online trade in goods and services. Similarly, the digital transformation is profoundly affecting the world of work with new jobs being created and others being destroyed. The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated this process.

The key to success in this emerging environment, especially for Arab countries, is to harness the new tools and opportunities this transformation is creating. Access to and use of ICTs and digital skills provide a unique opportunity for the Arab region to address youth unemployment and the social barriers that women are facing.

More information available here ‘Going digital – Young entrepreneurs at Dubai Expo 2020’