Global digital governance: Geneva’s perspectives and role. An expert-guided dialogue among diplomats
The global digital governance space is now more vibrant than ever. At the UN level, various
agencies and organisations are exploring the policy implications of digital technologies in areas
such as human rights, future of work, and sustainable development. Dedicated groups are
discussing norms for responsible state behaviour in cyberspace and are working on a convention
on cybercrime. UN member states are expected to agree on a Global Digital Compact (GDC) in
2024 and start work towards the 20-year review of the World Summit on the Information Society
(WSIS) in 2025. And a high-level advisory group set up by the Secretary-General is developing
recommendations for the international governance of AI.
Geneva plays an important role within this dynamic governance landscape. Over the centuries, the
city has been a meeting place between technology and humanity, and it is now home to more than
50% of the international processes where issues related to the policy implications of digital
technologies are debated and negotiated.
Against this backdrop, the ‘Global digital governance: Geneva’s perspectives and role’ dialogue
aims to provide a space for Geneva-based diplomats to reflect critically on (a) how global
governance and cooperation mechanisms can provide concrete, effective and human-centric
solutions to key digital challenges, and (b) the role – existing and potential – of International
Geneva in advancing such solutions.
To achieve this goal, the dialogue will be structured as a series of focused, interactive debates –
both in ‘plenary’ and in small groups – guided by Diplo experts. These sessions have been
designed to encourage maximum participation from diplomats with various levels of experience,
from large and smaller Missions alike.
The expert-guided dialogue is dedicated to Geneva-based diplomats with various levels of
experience in digital governance.
In keeping with the goal of ensuring an equitable representation and supporting smaller missions,
half of the available seats will be allocated to delegates of least developed countries, landlocked
developing countries, and small island developing states (as defined by the UN OHRLLS). Seats will
be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis up to a maximum of 40 delegates.
Due to limited availability of seats, participation may be restricted to one representative per
The dialogue is organised by Diplo with the support of the UK Mission to the UN, WTO and other International Organisations in Geneva.