Eighth Session of the Asia-Pacific Information Superhighway Steering Committee, Regional Review of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) and UN & KFCC International Forum on Community Development and Digital Financial Inclusion
The rapid adoption of digital technologies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic has drastically transformed the socio-economic fabric across the Asia-Pacific region.
To meet changing environments and new demands, ESACP member States endorsed the Asia-Pacific Information Superhighway (APIS) Action Plan 2022-2026 through the adoption of ESCAP resolution 79/10 on “Promoting digital cooperation and inclusion through the Action Plan for Implementing the Asia-Pacific Information Superhighway Initiative, 2022–2026” in May 2023.
Against this backdrop, the Eighth session of the Asia-Pacific Information Superhighway Steering Committee (APIS SC-8) will be held on 25-26 September 2024 in Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, back-to-back with the International Forum on Community Development and Digital Financial Inclusion, which is organized by the Korean Federation of Community Credit Cooperatives (KFCC) and ESCAP in the afternoon of 25 September.
Members and regional stakeholders at the APIS Steering Committee (APIS SC-8) will have a good opportunity to review and discuss the implementation of the key decisions of the Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Digital Inclusion and Transformation, taking place on 3-5 September 2024, in Astana, Kazakhstan, as well as review the achievement 2023-2024 and plan the 2024-2025 implementation of the APIS Action Plan.