Disruptive Technologies for Development (DT4D): Unleashing Innovation in Developing Countries
Disruptive technologies are transforming the world, but very few of these technologies are being designed and deployed specifically to solve development challenges. The World Bank Group’s Disruptive Technologies for Development (DT4D) Program aims to address this gap by identifying and piloting targeted disruptive technology solutions. The DT4D Challenge awards funding for 5-10 pilots each year which can then potentially scale up and be implemented through the wider World Bank Group portfolio.
This session will kick off with an overview of the DT4D Program. Speakers will then discuss many of the methodologies and technology trends from two rounds of supported pilots. The audience will learn about the importance of designing and deploying these technologies in developing countries through multistakeholder collaboration, new approaches to financing, innovative system change methodologies, and regulatory and procurement considerations, among others.
This session will provide details of the DT4D Program, including its mission and results, as well as methodologies and technology trends consolidated from two rounds of supported pilots.
- 08:30am – Opening Remarks, Martha Martinez Licetti, Practice Manager, Markets & Technology Unit, Finance, Competitiveness and Innovation (FCI)
- 08:40am – Keynote Speaker, Kwangchul Ji, Director of Development Finance Division, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Republic of Korea
- 08:47am – Keynote Speaker, Sara Hormigo, Head of Multilateral Department. Economic and Commercial Office, Embassy of Spain in Washington, D.C.
- 08:54am – Introduction of DT4D Challenge, awardees, and teams
- 09:00am – Presentation DT4D 1.0 pilot “Unlocking Drones for Development”
- 09:15am – Presentation DT4D 2.0 pilot “Brought to you by Geodata: Responsible Banana Supply Chains”
- 09:30am – Insights in the partnership between European Space Agency (ESA) and DT4D, Christoph Aubrecht, Program Coordinator, Global Development Assistance, ESA
- 09:40am – Q&A
*All hours in EST
The DT4D Secretariat thanks main contributing partners to the DT4D Challenge, namely the World Bank Group Korea Office, the Seoul Center of Finance and Innovation (together with the Finance, Competitiveness and Innovation Global Practice) and the Spanish Fund of Latin America and the Caribbean. Financial contributions were also received from the Government of Japan,