World Telecommunication & Information Society Day

World Telecommunication & Information Society Day
17 May 2024
17 May is World Telecommunication & Information Society Day

Building a sustainable future demands innovative thinking and action, especially in the digital world.

WTISD 2024 is a chance to explore how digital innovation can help connect everyone and unlock sustainable prosperity for all.


Innovative tech can help tackle the world’s most pressing challenges, from fighting climate change to eliminating hunger and poverty. In fact, digital technologies can help achieve 70% of targets under the UN Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Yet glaring digital gaps hinder innovation in many parts of the world. The lack of policies, investment, and digital skills leaves many countries struggling to keep up in the fast-changing digital landscape.

The whole world needs digital innovation.

Together, we can make it happen.

Celebrated every year on 17 May, World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD) marks the founding of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) – the United Nations agency for digital technologies.


Be part of the celebration!

Join us for WTISD 2024 with events in different time zones around the globe.

A virtual live-streamed hour from the TV Studio at ITU Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, will bring together experts and innovators for a chat about digital impact.

You, too, can be part of the conversation on digital innovation for sustainable development.


ITU ❤️ Innovation

Since our inception in 1865, innovation has been at the heart of everything we do at ITU.

We manage the world’s radio frequencies, establish internationally recognized technical standards, and help drive inclusive digital development.


#WTISD #InnovateForProsperity

WTISD is more than a celebration. It’s a call to action:

Help raise awareness about the global innovation gap, promote digital inclusion, and spur action to close the digital divide.

ITU can’t do it alone. Join us in this journey towards prosperity through innovation.

Regions: Global