Creative Industries and Trade Digitalization Forum


The creative industries are changing shape, driven by digital trends and a shift from goods to services. What role for them in a new digital world?

The year 2021 is the United Nations’ International Year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development.  This is a hard-won landmark for the creative industries. It recognises and elevates the creative economy as an important tool for building a sustainable, inclusive and equitable future.

When the resolution led by Indonesia was being negotiated and approved, no one could have anticipated that the intervening year would hold a shattering worldwide pandemic.

But perhaps what has felt like the end of the world is, in fact, the beginning of a new one.  Covid-19 obliges us to think carefully about what makes for healthy and resilient communities at both the global level and also at the local level. And it also obliges us to take to heart the lessons we have learned.

The Creative Economy and Digitization Forum that is organized by UNCTAD and UNCTAD15’s host country Barbados aims to do just that. It will take place from 29 September to 1 October 2021.