Capacity Building Workshop on Strengthening Digital Connectivity Infrastructure and Internet Traffic Management in the Pacific
The establishment of subregional Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) can improve Internet’s affordability, latency and traffic capacity. Yet, in the Pacific, few countries have established IXPs. Papua New Guinea and Fiji established national IXPs in 2017 with assistance from Internet Society, APNIC and other partners. It resulted in a 10% decrease of Internet services price in PNG and Internet latency in Fiji between local operators improving significantly from 60ms to 2ms. Samoa is in the process of establishing a national IXP.
To this effect, ESCAP and partners have supported Pacific Island Countries through conducting of technical studies followed by capacity building workshops on strengthening awareness on establishing a Pacific IXP. Further information on past ESCAP activities on the Pacific Internet Exchange Points, can be accessed below:
- Capacity Training Workshop on Operationalizing the Pacific Internet Exchange Point (IXP) Proposal, November 2021
- Multistakeholder consultations in Pacific island countries on the Pacific Internet Exchange Point (IXP) Proposal, August 2021
- Second Working Group on Pacific Internet Exchange Point (IXP) and capacity training workshop on IXP’s operational modalities (Virtual Meeting), August 2020
- Strengthening efficient Internet traffic management through a subregional Internet Exchange Point (IXP) in Pacific Island Countries, December 2019
- Subregional workshop on implementation of the Asia-Pacific Information Superhighway for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in Pacific island countries, November 2018
Action 6 of the Asia-Pacific Information Superhighway Action Plan 2022-2026 (See Annex 1, available at:…), highlighted the need for multistakeholder partnerships on promoting Internet quality and digital connectivity in the subregions through subregional Internet exchange points in Pacific Island developing countries. In response, the ESCAP secretariat is conducting a capacity building workshop for key stakeholders in the Pacific IXP target countries (Fiji, New Zealand, and Samoa).
The objectives of the workshop are:
- To share with key stakeholders the preliminary findings of the online survey on assessing bandwidth demand for South Pacific Island Countries.
- To discuss operationalization plan for building the Pacific IXP based on the Pacific IXP Operating Guideline. (
- To discuss and agree on the governance structure for establishing the Pacific IXP.
For any questions related to this event, please send to email: [email protected]