E-commerce and International Trade for Malaysia and the ASEAN Region

A woman looking at her smartphone while sat at her desk in front of her laptop
30 June - 14 July 2025


This course introduces the basics of e-commerce as it affects international trade, with a focus on Malaysia and the ASEAN region. Designed from a policy perspective, it begins by introducing the key characteristics of e-commerce, its importance for the global economy, and the way in which various international e-commerce rules have been crafted and adopted through the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL).

It then moves on to look specifically at how e-commerce is incorporated in trade agreements, with a particular emphasis on Malaysia and ASEAN. Importantly, the course examines not just how different provisions related to e-commerce are incorporated into trade agreements, but also how “next generation” trade agreements are beginning to consider the issue of e-commerce with a view to its growing importance for future trade.

The course concludes by looking specifically at how e-commerce and its associated policies affect micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). Again focusing on Malaysia and ASAN, it evaluates the various challenges faced by MSMEs in engaging in e-commerce, and examines legal and policy measures that could facilitate e-commerce transactions. Finally, the course briefly looks at some emerging legal and policy issues in the field of e-commerce, particularly digital taxation and the regulation of internet platforms.

After completing this course, participants will be able to:

Identify the importance of e-commerce for the global economy and the current situation of e-commerce rules and standards as crafted through the WTO and UNCITRAL;

Evaluate the provisions of different preferential trade agreements, including so-called “next generation” agreements, which Malaysia has concluded or is in negotiations to conclude with regard to e-commerce; and

Assess legal and policy measures used to facilitate e-commerce transactions, with a particular focus on MSMEs in Malaysia and the ASEAN region.


We recommend using the latest version of the Chrome or Safari browsers to ensure an optimal experience viewing the lectures.


Participants who meet the course requirements will receive a Certificate of Completion issued in electronic format.


Module 1

Introduction to E-commerce


Module 2

E-commerce, Consumer Protection and Trade Agreements


Module 3

SMEs and Emerging E-commerce Policy Issues


Certificate of Achievement


Course Language

English ‎(en)‎

Next start date

30, June 2025

Time required

4 hours in two weeks

Course fee

Free of charge

Course access

Open for enrolment

Tutor Information

Devika Rajeev

Region: South Asia
Country: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam