Online Repository of Contributions to the Policy Hackathon on Model Provisions for Trade in Times of Crisis and Pandemic
Online Repository of Contributions to the Policy Hackathon on Model Provisions for Trade in Times of Crisis and Pandemic

This Online repository provides access to written contributions submitted by participants to the Policy Hackathon on Model Provisions for Trade in Times of Crisis and Pandemic in Regional and Other Trade Agreements. The contributions featured in this Online repository have been made available as received and are under the sole responsibility of their author(s). Upon submission, participants have declared that their contribution is their own autonomous work, that all the sources have been correctly cited and listed as references and that any eventual errors or inaccuracies are the fault of the authors. The contributions do not represent the views of the United Nations or that of any other Policy Hackathon organizing and participating institutions. The inclusion of the contributions in the online repository does not constitute an endorsement of the contents by the United Nations and Policy Hackathon organizers. The contributions are unedited work in progress willingly contributed by their authors during the Policy Hackathon and are publicly accessible for all to use at their own risk with reference to the author(s). It is hoped that this emerging body of knowledge will provide a useful basis and inspiration for trade policymakers and negotiators to develop regional and other trade agreements that can increase trade resilience in times of crisis and pandemic and support recovery and building back better. To make it easier to browse through, the contributions have been grouped according to different topics/categories. Contributions that have been identified by the Expert Group as standing out in terms of quality, relevance, comprehensiveness and/or originality are identified with a “ ”. A brief overview of contributions is also available here.

Essential goods/Import-Export restrictions

Trade facilitation

Agriculture and foodstuff


Gender and RTAs

LDCs, Developing countries/Specific regional focus

Subsidies and Competition policies


Government procurement

Exemptions and Emergency clauses

Building back better


Essential goods/Import-Export restrictions





Trade facilitation





Agriculture and foodstuff










Gender and RTAs





LDCs, Developing countries/Specific regional focus





Subsidies and Competition policies










Government procurement





Exemptions and Emergency clauses