2 December 2021
$1 million awarded in grants to support digital skills development in Bangladesh, Colombia and Senegal
Putting women and girls at the center of digital development
1 December 2021
ITU Digital World 2021: Celebrating tech SME innovation
New Guidelines: Building Consumer Confidence and Trust in the Digital Economy
Unleashing the power of local markets through technology
Despite COVID-19 connectivity boost, world’s poorest left far behind
Why tax administrations are embracing digital transformation
Innovative tech solutions unleash positive impact
30 November 2021
BigFintechs could make bold social & environmental contributions in developing countries but only if new governance models are adopted - UNDP/UNCDF study
2.9 billion people still offline
Facts and Figures 2021: 2.9 billion people still offline
29 November 2021
WTO, IFC heads agree to enhance cooperation on trade finance
The bold move to new technology-assisted capacity building: the Virtual Reality (VR) assisted training program
26 November 2021
General Council decides to postpone MC12 indefinitely
Industrial innovation to accelerate transitions towards greener and digital economies