The digital future of the postal world
In this special edition of Voice Mail, we have three perspectives on digital transformation, data, and the postal world.
First, UPU Deputy Director General Pascal Clivaz joins us to discuss:
- UPU and digital transformation Global expectations in advance electronic data
- Partnerships with IATA and WCO for cross-border
- The growing importance of parcels to the global postal network Increasing collaboration between the postal network and other elements of the parcels world
Then UPU Consultative Committee Chair Walter Trezek covers:
- Major outcomes from recent UPU Congress
- The importance of the UPU digital strategy
- Cross-border parcel volumes in the postal network
- What EAD/AED means for consumers, authorities, and postal operators
- UPU's role in promoting green objectives
- Opening up the UPU, its products, and its services
Finally, David Avsec from the UPU Postal Technology Centre explains aspects of Advance Electronic Data (EAD/AED):
- Why EAD is important and what it is
- Improving compliance
- Capturing quality data