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WSIS Prizes 2023: Winning projects drive digital action
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) announced winners of the 2023 WSIS Prizes last week, with 18 prizes linking digital transformation to sustainable development across 11 internationally recognized action lines.
Prizes were awarded on 14 March as follows:
WSIS Prizes 2023
Project: Banda Ancha para Todos
Institution: Instituto Dominicano de las Telecomunicaciones
Country/ entity type: Dominican Republic/Government
WSIS Action line: C1. The role of governments and all stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for development
Project: Jalinan Digital Negara Plan
Institution: Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission
Country/ entity type: Malaysia/Government
WSIS Action Line: C2. Information and communication infrastructure: an essential foundation for an inclusive information society
Project: Community Network for Education
Institution: UMAYUX
Country/ entity type: Ecuador/Private Sector
WSIS Action Line: C3. Access to information and knowledge
Project: Mobile Connectivity for Teachers in Poor and Remote Areas Project
Institution: National Council for Educational Promotion
Country/ entity type: Mexico/Government
WSIS Action Line: C4. Capacity building
Project: Cybersecurity Education in the Philippines in the Face of New Normal Adversities
Institution: Department of Information and Communications Technology
Country/ entity type: Philippines/Government
WSIS Action Line: C5. Building confidence and security in the use of ICTs
Project: Community Networks in the strategy of connecting rural and remote areas as licensees in Argentina
Country/ entity type: Argentina/Government
WSIS Action Line: C6. Enabling environment
Project: AuditOnline: Facilitating Audit in Government
Institution: National Informatics Center
Country/ entity type: India/Government
WSIS Action Line: C7. ICT Applications: e-Government
Project: Material Supermarket Revitalization Solution for Enterprises and Institutions
Institution: China Mobile Procurement Shared Center
Country/ entity type: China/ Private Sector
WSIS Action Line: C7. ICT Applications: e-Business
Project: BIPES (Individualized Personnel Training System)
Institution: Directorate General for Information Technologies, Ministry of Justice
Country/ entity type: Turkey/Government
WSIS Action Line: C7. ICT Applications: e-Learning
Project: Bone Health New Zealand
Institution: Osteoporosis New Zealand (ONZ)
Country/ entity type: New Zealand/Civil Society
WSIS Action Line: C7. ICT Applications: e-Health
Project: Advance IT & Entrepreneurship Training and Incubation for young women
Institution: Computer Applications for Girls Foundation
Country/ entity type: United Republic of Tanzania/Civil Society
Project: Early Warning Epidemics System
Institution: Ministry of Environment Water and Agriculture
Country/ entity type: Saudi Arabia/Government
WSIS Action Line: C7. ICT Applications: e-Environment
Project: Digital AgroInsurance
Country/ entity type: Kazakhstan/Private Sector
WSIS Action Line: C7. ICT Applications: e-Agriculture
Project: Women In Tech Maldives
Institution: Women In Tech Maldives
Country/ entity type: Maldives/Civil Society
WSIS Action Line: C7. ICT Applications: e-Science
Project: Africa Teen Geeks
Institution: Apodytes
Country/ entity type: South Africa/Civil Society
WSIS Action Line: C8. Cultural diversity and identity, linguistic diversity and local content
Project: Strategic Communication to Counter Security Threats in the Disinformation Era
Institution: University Rey Juan Carlos – Research Group Ciberimaginario
Country/ entity type: Spain/Academia
WSIS Action Line: C9. Media
Project: UAE Cyber Pulse
Institution: UAE Cyber Security Council
Country/ entity type: United Arab Emirates/Government
WSIS Action Line: C10. Ethical dimensions the Information Society
Project: Enhance VR
Institution: Virtuleap Lda
Country/ entity type: Portugal/Private Sector
WSIS Action Line: C11. International and regional cooperation
The action lines stem from the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), with ongoing implementation through the annual WSIS Forum.
The WSIS Prizes contest evaluates projects and activities that leverage the power of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to advance the United Nations agenda for 2030.
Learn more about the WSIS Prizes..
More about WSIS Forum 2023.
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