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Physical meets virtual: Submit your paper to Kaleidoscope 2021
Digital transformation is blurring the boundaries between our physical and virtual worlds and this transformation has gained further impetus with COVID-19.
Things, places and people are being mirrored in a parallel virtual world, creating immersive new communications experiences and fundamental shifts in business and education as well as healthcare, automotive, logistics, retail and entertainment.
But is society ready for this future? Is this vision centred around people and our best interests? And how could technical standards and policy and regulation help us to shape the future we want?
These are among the key questions to be considered by ITU Kaleidoscope 2021: Connecting physical and virtual worlds – ITU’s flagship academic event – scheduled for 6-10 December online.
ITU Kaleidoscope events are peer-reviewed academic conferences that identify emerging trends in research and associated implications for international standardization.
Kaleidoscope 2021 is inviting original academic papers sharing insight into ongoing projects and research on persistent virtual realities and customized computer-generated environments.
The conference welcomes submissions from both technical and social sciences, organizing submissions into four tracks:
- Network infrastructure and architecture enabling ubiquitous communications
- New spatial applications and services
- Enabling technologies
- Security, privacy and trust, including socioeconomic and ethical aspects
Researchers preparing submissions to Kaleidoscope 2021 are encouraged to consult the conference’s Call for Papers. The deadline for submissions is 27 June.
All papers accepted and presented at the conference will be published in the Kaleidoscope Proceedings and the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Outstanding papers may also be published in the IEEE Communications Standards Magazine.
Special recognition will be afforded to the authors of the three best papers, who will also share in a prize fund of 6,000 Swiss francs. Authors up to 30 years’ old presenting accepted papers at the conference will receive Young Author Recognition Certificates.
ITU Kaleidoscope 2021 is technically co-sponsored by IEEE and the IEEE Communications Society and organized in partnership with Waseda University, the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers of Japan, the Chair of Communication and Distributed Systems at RWTH Aachen University, the European Academy for Standardization, the University of the Basque Country, Liverpool John Moores University, the University of Limerick, and the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology.