Sustainable Digital Impact of AgriFoodTech Startup Ecosystem in Latin America and the Caribbean

Latin America and the Caribbean play a crucial role in global agricultural production, it face urgent challenges such as global food insecurity and climate change. Through technological innovation, IDB Invest is leading efforts to transform agriculture towards more sustainable and efficient models.

The study conducted by IDB Invest in collaboration with Accenture analyzes how the AgriFood Tech sector can help solve these challenges through innovations in three key categories: Upstream, which covers technologies for primary agricultural production; Midstream, which optimizes the supply chain; and Downstream, which connects end consumers with agricultural products.

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Digital Inclusion Strategies: A Primer for Latin American Policymakers

Digital policies without inclusion principles risk underperforming and having a reduced impact. As more countries look to scale up their digital economies and create favorable investment conditions for information and communication technologies, inclusion will be a critical factor in distinguishing between localized and widespread impact. Early investment in digital inclusion leads to greater returns, economically and socially, for policymakers. This report provides a broad landscape to inform policymakers who are about to embark on the process of writing a digital inclusion strategy or policy. It assumes a national-level context; however, lessons and details presented here may be applied to an international, subnational, or municipal level, too.

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