Increased capacity and diversification supercharge trade in Burundi
Increased capacity and diversification supercharge trade in Burundi Read More »
In March 2022, the international community adopted the Doha Programme of Action for LDCs for the decade 2022-2031. Trade is one of the DPoA’s six pillars. In January 2023, the WTO Secretariat and UN-OHRLLS, in cooperation with the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) and UN Regional Economic Commissions, organized two regional consultations on trade elements of the DPoA in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (17-18 January) and Siem Reap, Cambodia (30-31 January).
The regional consultations brought together nearly 100 senior trade officials from over 40 LDCs to exchange views on trade elements of the DPoA and evolving LDC priorities for the next decade. The discussions were structured around the DPoA’s trade targets, covering the topics of regional economic integration, digital trade, and trade support for LDCs. Options for ensuring smooth transitions from the LDC category were also discussed.