Moratoire sur le commerce électronique – séance 99

WTO Public Forum 2023
septembre 15
10:45 am
 – 12:00 pm
Salle CR

Digital technologies provide new opportunities for developing countries to engage in global markets and grow. Seizing these opportunities however raises challenges. Reliable and affordable digital infrastructure, along with a digitally skilled population are crucial for engaging in and benefiting from digital trade. In addition, governments need to put in place a regulatory and policy environment that not only facilitates trade in a digital world but also generates inclusive and sustainable outcomes. Bridging the digital divide and strengthening the readiness of developing countries to benefit from digital trade require both domestic and international mobilization. With the objective to provide an objective perspective on these issues, the IMF, the OECD, UNCTAD, the World Bank and the WTO have joined forces and leveraged their expertise to prepare a report on digital trade and development. This Public Forum session will discuss some of the findings of the forthcoming report.

Usha Canabady
Ambassador , Permanent Mission of Mauritius

Mona Haddad
Global Director for Trade, Investment and Competitiveness, World Bank

Ulrik Knudsen
Deputy Secretary-General, OECD

Ralph Ossa
Chief Economist and Director of the Economic Research and Statistics Division , World Trade Organization

Michele Ruta
Deputy Division Chief in the Strategy and Policy Review Department , International Monetary Fund

Shamika Sirimanne
Director of the Division on Technology and Logistics, UNCTAD