WTO Guest Panel Data Governance and International Trade
3:00 pm
– 5:00 pm
National and transnational approaches to governing data and data driven
sectors can build trust and facilitate growth and innovation. At the same time,
these approaches may challenge trade principles. The panelists will examine
the relationship between digital trade and the governance of various types of
data, as well as how trade principles hinder or facilitate interoperability among
data governance approaches. In particular, panelists will consider those issues:
- Does trade in data differ from trade in (other) goods or services governed by
trade agreements? - How might open trade principles make it harder (or easier) for nations to
develop a trustworthy environment for the development of a data driven
economy? - How might domestic regulation or the absence of domestic regulations to
govern data make it harder (or easier) for nations to develop a trustworthy
environment for the development of a data driven economy? - Can principles such as transparency, recognition, value of international
standards or (legitimate) justifications facilitate greater rule-based crossborder data flows?