Regional Digital Trade Integration Index (RDTII): findings and implications from Asia-Pacific, Africa, and LAC
The joint ESCAP-ECA-ECLAC event will take place from 22 to 24 February 2023 as a side event of the first session of the Committee on Trade, Investment, Enterprise and Business Innovation. This workshop is based on the joint efforts of the three UNRCs under their digital trade regulatory integration initiative. The main objectives of the initiative are:
- To agree on a common framework and set of core indicators of the Regional Digital Trade Integration Index (RDTII) that policy analysts can use in comparable manners across the three UN Regional Commissions (UNRCs).
- To establish digital-trade regulatory databases that are comparable across the three UNRCs.
- To promote experience sharing across countries and regions as well as collaborate on capacity building in this area.
The first session of the workshop will present key research findings based on the first joint report of the three UNRCs on Digital Trade Regulatory Review for Asia-Pacific, Africa, and LAC 2023 (RCDTR) will be presented. It will follow by regional-specific sessions for in-depth discussions. The last day of the workshop will dedicate to roundtable consultation sessions with member states of ESCAP. The roundtable discussion intends to receive feedback from member States on the RDTII framework and technical assistance needs in this area.
The workshop is intended for policymakers, officials, analysts, and professionals working on trade policy in connection with the digital economy. The workshop will be held in a hybrid format (in person and online). Simultaneous interpretation in English and French will be provided in selected sessions.