Green Digital Action webinar series: GHG emissions and green standards

ITU - Green Digital Action webinar series
April 16
 – June 3

This Green Digital Action webinar series serves to support companies in the journey towards achieving GDA commitments, including through international standards as a key avenue to make meaningful progress towards the future we want.

The digital sector is a growing source of global GHG emissions with carbon emissions estimated to range from 1.5% to 4% of global emissions. In order to contribute proportionally to the reduction of global warming following a 1.5°C trajectory, emissions from the digital sector will need to be reduced by 45% by 2030. To reach this goal, Green Digital Action brings together companies that commit to setting (or already have set) 1.5 degree aligned science-based targets, to be validated (or already validated) by SBTi for emissions reduction, to reduce accordingly scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, and to create and publish transition plans outlining how decarbonization trajectories and net-zero targets will be achieved. Companies also commit to increase transparency across the ICT Sector by reporting data on all GHG emission scopes and categories yearly to a joint, public database.


16 April, 14:00-16:00

Webinar 1: Navigating science-based targets: Paving the road to a net zero ICT Sector

Learn how companies have approached setting net-zero targets and gain a comprehensive understanding of ITU standard Recommendation ITU-T L.1470 which provides guidance on setting GHG emissions trajectories for the global ICT sector in support of the 1.5°C objective and the Science-based Targets initiative. The webinar will also provide an introduction on Scope 3 Guidance for telecommunication operators.


  • Seizo Onoe, Director, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, ITU
  • Donald Wong, Junior Target Analyst, Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)
  • Anthony D’Arcy, Head ESG engagement and enablement, Nokia
  • Xiangwei Jing, Reliability Dept./ Quality Management Dept./System Product_Wireless and Computing Product Operation Division, ZTE Corporation
  • Jean-Manuel Canet, Senior Manager, Climate and Biodiversity, Orange Group | Vice-chair of ITU-T SG5 “EMF, Environment, Climate action, Sustainable Digitalization, and Circular Economy
  • Steven Moore, Head of Climate Action, GSMA
  • Reyna Ubeda, Engineer to ITU-T SG5 “Environment, EMF and Circular Economy”



30 April, 14:00-15:30

Webinar 2: Translating targets into action – Creating transition plans in the ICT sector

The second webinar will address the crafting of actionable transition plans and robust strategies to reach science-based targets. Gain insights from real-world examples of organizations successfully transitioning towards science-based targets, learn how to address common obstacles in implementing transition plans, and understand the importance of stakeholder engagement in driving meaningful change and fostering collaboration.


  • Francesca Messeri, Senior Consultant, Corporate Sustainability, Carbon Trust
  • Tomoko Nagano, Manager, Strategy Development, Business Strategy, Strategic Planning Unit, Fujitsu Limited, Fujitsu Limited
  • Daniel Alberto Maniega Santana, Head of Environment, Telefonica
  • Gareth Edwards, Chief Client Officer, GoCodeGreen
  • Maike Luiken, Chair of the IEEE Planet Positive 2030 Initiative, IEEE
  • Jean-Manuel Canet, Senior Manager, Climate and Biodiversity, Orange Group | Vice-chair of ITU-T SG5 “EMF, Environment, Climate action, Sustainable Digitalization, and Circular Economy

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3 June: 14:00-16:0

Webinar 3: From Data to Action: Standardized methodologies for measuring ICT sector progress

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