Evidence-based policy making on the platform economy
The changing nature of the labour market and its digitalization constitute an important aspect and challenge for the ILO, especially in regard to promoting the decent work agenda. The rapid growth and globalization of the digital economy during the last decade created new opportunities and challenges which need to be taken into account while conceptualizing labour market and policies.
The changing nature of the labour market and its digitalization constitute an important aspect and challenge for the ILO, especially in regard to promoting the decent work agenda. The rapid growth and globalization of the digital economy during the last decade created new opportunities and challenges which need to be taken into account while conceptualizing labour market and policies.
Emerging evidence from constituents shows that there is a gap in the capacity of the tripartite decision makers on how to formulate coherent policy responses against the new challenges caused by the digital economy. ILO’s constituents are requesting assistance in addressing the implications of the rapid growth of the digital economy. The training will provide assistance to constituents in both the use and generation of relevant evidence from a variety of sources, including not only ILO but also national and local sources, including evidence generation through data and metadata analysis.
To this effect, the ILO’s flagship World Employment and Social Outlook 2021 report on the role of digital labour platforms in transforming the world of work will be used as the main source for this training. The aim of this training is to build capacities of ILO’s tripartite constituents using case studies, research papers, guidelines, publicly available online ILO data, other data and information sources for permitting them to comprehend and assess the impact of digital labour platforms on the world of work.
This training is targeted to policy makers and policy influencers from the Latin America region representing the trade unions and workers, employers representatives as well as government officials from various ministries.
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