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de eTrade for all

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Dear all,

Welcome to the October edition of our newsletter, which coincides with the World Bank Group’s Annual Meeting, a traditional gathering to discuss key international cooperation matters. As the world evolves and transforms, so do leading institutions, to adapt to a fast-changing landscape to better meet clients’ needs. Check out our dedicated section to learn more about the WBG’s strategy and priorities.

In October, ITU also held its World Telecom Standardization Assembly (WTSA-24) to discuss standards that will shape responsible AI, interoperable metaverse platforms, and robust digital infrastructure. As digital technologies increasingly permeate our lives, these global standards ensure that innovation aligns with critical values of safety, accessibility, and sustainability, directly impacting sectors from automated transport to emergency response and beyond. Learn more here below.

If you are curious about how the ASEAN region – currently one of the most dynamic regions in the world- is doing in terms of start-up creation and innovation, don’t miss the newly released white paper by the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and South-East Asia. We’ve captured a few insights for you.

Last but not least, check out our updates on the WSIS+ 20 process and the CSTD intersessional panel that met in Geneva on 21-22 October.

Enjoy the read!